Information alert:

This page will be updated monthly with the latest waiting times for accessing children and young people's mental health services in Cheshire and Wirral. If at any point you feel you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please call our 24/7 all-age crisis line by calling NHS 111 and selecting the mental health option.

It can be difficult waiting for support having been referred to Children and Young People's Mental Health Services (CYPMHS) or to neurodevelopmental services for an ADHD or autism assessment.

We are committed to seeing children and young people as soon as possible and strive to keep our waiting times as low as possible, however these can depend on the current demand for services and staffing levels. We aim to provide open and clear information about waiting times for each of the services you may be waiting to access.

Here you can view average waiting times from referral to initial assessment and then to treatment for our children and young people's services.

Please note: these are average waits and therefore you may find yourself seen sooner or slightly longer than estimated. Several factors can influence how long you may wait to be seen, and cases are triaged to identify anyone who may be at the highest risk and therefore require an appointment sooner.