If we all decide at your first visit that CAMHS is the best service to support you, then we'll ask you to meet us again. We will also tell you and your family how you can contact CAMHS if you need to speak to us in between meetings.

CAMHS is not an emergency service; our clinics are open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. If you need help urgently, and you can't get in touch with your local CAMHS, you must contact your doctor's surgery or visit the Accident & Emergency department of your local hospital.

Each time you visit us we will talk to you about the progress you are making; and we will agree any changes to your Plan and the support you are getting. We will also confirm your next appointment.

When the time is right, we will plan with you when your support from CAMHS might end; we will work with you and your family to make sure you are comfortable with your next steps; and look at which other services we can put you in touch with to offer you further support, if you need it.

Location details


01244 397397